Signs of Poor Digestion
It’s very possible to tell if you have poor digestion. Your body is going to give you telling signs that you have poor digestion.
You don’t want to go through life having poor digestion, especially when your body is trying to tell you how bad it is.
But what are the signs of poor digestion? Are they obvious? Is your body really that good at telling you when something is wrong?
Below you’ll be able to get the answers to these questions. You’ll understand the signs of poor digestion and understand whether or not you have poor digestion.
Stomach Aches
This has already been mentioned, but a stomach ache is a sign that you have poor digestion. You really shouldn’t be having any pains from the food you eat.
If you’re having pains, there is something going on within your stomach that’s not supposed to be happening.
Nobody likes to have any sort of discomfort after eating. Having experiences like that will make it so you don’t ever want to eat some foods.
Having stomach pains may not even be caused by the food you’re eating, there is some sort of imbalance happening in your stomach and gut that’s causing the issues.
Bad Breath
Waking up with morning breath is no surprise to anybody. That’s just something that happens because of what your body goes through when you sleep.
However, if you’re constantly having bad breath throughout the day, this could be a sign of poor digestion. Having bad breath isn’t something that should happen all day. If you have somewhat decent oral hygiene, your breath may not always smell fresh, but it shouldn’t be bad.
Bad breath usually happens because your stomach isn’t digesting your food properly. Your body is creating more gas. When you have a lot of gas, there are only two options for where that gas can exit your body.
Typically when gas exits your body from your rear end, it smells. The same is true when the gas wants to exit through your mouth. This is going to contribute to a lot of the bad breath you might be experiencing.
Food Intolerance
When I say food intolerance, I’m talking about your body starting to develop food problems that weren’t there before. For example, your body starts to react differently to foods that you typically never had a problem with before.
When you have poor digestion, the bacteria in your stomach are acting up. The bad bacteria are starting to thrive more than they should.
Food intolerances happen when your body isn’t producing the enzymes it needs to fully digest certain foods. Not all foods use the same enzymes to get digested.
The chemistry of our stomachs is always changing so, therefore, different enzymes are being produced and at different quantities as well. So, because of this, it’s very possible to develop a food intolerance if you have poor digestion.
When you’re constipated it can be a struggle going to the bathroom. This is typical because of poor digestion. Going to the bathroom should be a very smooth process and should happen every single day.
If you’re struggling in the bathroom or not going every single day, then you can assume that you’re constipated.
You get constipated because the food you’re eating isn’t being digested and processed the way that it should. It’s not fully being digested. You aren’t getting all the nutrients that you could be getting from the food you’re eating when you get constipated.
In turn, this makes it harder for your body to break down the food completely, thus making it harder for it to pass completely through your body. When your food can’t pass through your body, constipation is bound to happen.
Weight Fluctuations
Weight fluctuations happen to everyone naturally. However, when you have noticeable weight fluctuations without trying to make a change to your weight, this could be a sign that you have poor digestion.
When food isn’t passing through your digestive system the way it should, you are more than likely going to gain a little bit of weight.
If your body isn’t able to get the nutrients that it needs from the foods that you’re eating, you’re more than likely going to lose some weight.
Proper digestion is going to allow your body to stay around the same weight that it’s currently at. There are going to be factors that change your weight naturally, like aging or even growing up.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is something that can be extremely uncomfortable and embarassing. The cause of this can be a number of things including certain foods that go back to your body not being able to digest them properly.
Your body reacts to certain foods that cause your bowels to go a bit haywire. This is something that nobody ever wants to deal with.
If you have foods that you know will trigger your IBS, you need to try to avoid them at all costs. Something is wrong with your digestion.
Taking some probiotics could help you get through your issues with IBS and possibly eliminate the problem for you altogether.
Skin Conditions
Having poor digestion can go beyond having problems with some foods or your bowels. It can be noticed when you have problems with your skin.
Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne can all be traced back to having digestive issues.
The reasons these skin conditions happen is because your body isn’t absorbing certain vitamins that you’ll typically get through your food. When there are digestive issues, your body won’t be able to get all the nutrients it needs from the food you eat.
When you’re lacking certain nutrients, your skin is going to have a reaction because it thrives off some vitamins that you get through your daily diet.
Reflux is essentially the burning feeling you get after eating a meal.
This is one of the most common signs of digestive issues. Most people have experienced this.
Reflux is something that can lead to something like heartburn. If you’ve ever had heartburn, then you know exactly the pain that it can cause.
It’s hard to get rid of once it starts too. This is because of poor digestion. The acids in your stomach are acting crazy and going to continue to cause you problems as long as your digestion is poor.
Poor Digestion Can Be a Struggle
Having poor digestion is going to cause you a lot of issues. A lot of these issues are going to be a pain to deal with all the time and can have a significant impact on your health.
Pay attention to the signs above so that you know when you need to make a change. Don’t ignore the signs as well because they could lead to issues that may not be able to be changed with a simple change in your diet.